You can start a website within few minutes but you have to give a lot of your time and energy to get the expected success from that. You will not get the success overnight so you have to keep that thing away from your mind. You can hire top SEO Company Dubai to get their help and take their expertise to get ranked on Google. You can also hire the SEO agency in Abu Dhabi for the same purpose because they both operate to help people who need the expertise to get more traffic through the organic way. There are other ways too but those ways are not legal and you may get banned by using those methods. Here are a few features which you need to add in your website to increase your chances of success:

Text: You need to emphasis on the txt you are putting in your website. You have to carefully add the text size and color on your website as it should be contrasting to the color of your background. Also you need to add the text on the images and they have to be in a way that people can read them easily without any extra effort. Google will recommend you to add the text with the size of 16 points and your website should be mobile friendly too because now most of the people will use internet on the mobile instead of using laptop or desktop.

Heading: You need to add careful and attractive headings for you content. Your headings should be in a way that attracts people to read more but they should not be misleading. You have to add the content related to your heading because if you add the heading which is not relate to the content then people will not like that and they will not stay on your website for more than a minute and it will give a negative signal to Google and your ranking will the disturbed.

Bullets: When you are providing a long article having some information in that then it is better to add some bullet points in that. When you add bullets on your content then it will make it easier and readable for your readers and they can spend more time on your website. They will get to the important points quickly and will be happy with that.